MOES Wifi Smart Plug with Monitoring

خدمة التوصيل08-02-2025
10 / 1



Keep your devices under control with MOES WP-X-EU16M-WH-MS WiFi Plug. This EU type plug comes equipped with a power monitor, enabling you to track your power usage in real-time. It’s easy to install and connects seamlessly to your home WiFi network. With the ability to handle up to 16A, you can control a wide range of devices with just one plug.

Model: MOES WP-X-EU16M-WH-MS WiFi Plug

Plug Type: EU

Rated Current: 16A

Power Monitor: Yes

WiFi Connection: 2.4GHz

Easy to Install: Yes

Compatible with

إعلان رقم: 258816757
150,025 ليرة
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