Antique treasure: collection of 14 Vinyl records 80 years old in excellent condition

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An antique treasure comprising 14 very old vinyl records (LPs) that are 80 years old kept in EXCELLENT condition (like new) now considered a collection of valuable ANTIQUE literary records as they were produced (i. e. made) in the early 1960s (as gramophones as they were called then) of late famous British &American poets &penmen, some reading their own poetry from late1940s! e. g. Carl Sandburg (believe it or not!) SINGING his OWN "Songbag" as HE plays the guitar. Also, some presented works of many other famous literary figures like Yeats, Wordsworth, and Walt Whitman (read by Dan O'Herlihy); some were read by Dame Peggy Ashcroft &others were read by other famous actors/artists.

In addition to its intrinsic &antique value, the collection should also be of profound interest to literary-educated people &for teachers of English Literature in secondary schools &particularly at the university level (undergrads, postgrads) as well as academics specializing in English &American works of literature.

Bid with a price starting at $1200

Serious callers ONLY. Apologies for the note, but Ignoramuses &simpletons are kindly asked to refrain from calling/ watsupping/ sending voice or text msg to Dr. H. at إضغط ليظهر الرقم.. +44.73603783XX

إعلان رقم: 245241229
18,003,009 ليرة
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 Hasan Sayyid

Hasan Sayyid

( 0 )
عضو منذ 14-12-2021
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